The Frog at Bercy Village à Paris 12

The Frog at Bercy Village

Adresse :

25 cour saint Emilion
75012 Paris 12

Informations :

Restaurant traditionnel
Bar, café

Description :

The Frog at Bercy Village is situated in a historic Parisian wine chai. It has open beams, limestone walls and a split-level interior, with two charming terrace…s. The magnificent English custom-designed and manufactured microbrewery is a main feature in this pub & produces 10,000 pints of our six original craft beers each week. The magnificent English custom-designed and manufactured microbrewery is a main feature in this pub & produces 10,000 pints of our six original craft beers each week.

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Horaires :

11h30 - 14h30
16h00 - 19h30
11h30 - 14h30
16h00 - 19h30
11h30 - 14h30
11h30 - 14h30
11h30 - 14h30

Localisation :

The Frog at Bercy Village
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