Ruck With The Rangers Through History à Cricqueville-en-Bessin

Ruck With The Rangers Through History

Dates :

Le 05 juin
Prochaines dates :
  • mercredi 05 juin

Catégorie :


Adresse :

14450 Cricqueville-en-Bessin

L'événement :

: Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience as we lace up our boots and embark on a journey through history with the esteemed 2nd Ranger Battalion.

On the hallowed grounds of Pont du Hoc in Normandy, where the brave Rangers scaled the cliffs amidst enemy fire on D-Day, we'll commence our ruck march. From there, we'll trace the footsteps of heroes, traversing the historically significant sites where the Rangers made their indelible mark on June 6, 1944.

As we trek through the very landscapes where courage and sacrifice defined a generation, we'll honor the memory of those who fought and fell for freedom. But our mission extends beyond remembrance. With every step, we'll be supporting Tours of Duty, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the noble cause of locating and bringing home our more than 81,000 POW MIAs.

Alongside members of the iconic 2nd Ranger Battalion, you'll immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of military history, gaining insights and perspectives that can only be gleaned from walking in the footsteps of legends.

This ruck march isn't just about physical endurance—it's about honoring the past, forging bonds of camaraderie, and ensuring that the sacrifices of the past are never forgotten.

As a token of our appreciation, participants will receive a commemorative shirt and a commemorative challenge coin, tangible reminders of their part in this historic event. But the rewards don't end there. By participating, you'll also have the chance to win an exclusive prize pack, filled with items that pay homage to the valor and spirit of the Rangers.

So, lace up your boots, join us on this unforgettable journey, and be a part of something truly extraordinary. Together, we'll walk the path of heroes, ensuring that their legacy endures for generations to come.

Autres informations : Ruck will last approximately one hour.

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Dates & Informations tarifaires :

Horaires :

Cet événement n'a pas lieu ce jour là.
  • Horaires non renseignés.

Tarifs :

  • Non renseignés

Localisation :

Non renseigné
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Posté par DataTourisme le 06 mai à 17:52 - Dernière modification hier à 08:18

Information fournie par OT Isigny-Omaha.

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